GaN Systems Transportation Articles

GaN Systems and Partners tackle the Net Zero Challenge

GaN Systems and Partners tackle the Net Zero Challenge

GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, today announced its growing ecosystem of partners collaborating to address the Net Zero Challenge to neutralize emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases by accelerating the global sustainability and cleantech revolution.  Efficient power generation, distribution and conversion are key factors in driving…

GaN Systems and Partners tackle the Net Zero Challenge

GaN Systems 攜手全球客戶解決淨零挑戰

氮化鎵功率半導體全球領導廠商 GaN Systems 今天正與數目越來越多的產業生態圈夥伴一起解決當今最具急迫性的淨零挑戰,透過潔淨科技來減少二氧化碳的排放量,加速永續路徑藍圖。 提高發電效率、減少能源傳送及轉換間的耗損,是加速永續減少碳排的關鍵。與矽及碳化矽相比,氮化鎵 (GaN) 是一個本質上較永續的材料,任何採用 GaN 功率半導體的電力轉換設備皆為更潔淨的地球盡一份心力。工業馬達是用電量最高的設備,西門子 (Siemens) 微型馬達產品開發經理 Christian Neugebauer 表示, 「透過 GaN 功率半導體來,西門子的工控產品效率獲得大幅提升。」另外,當現代人生活離不開影音娛樂、照片分享、線上遊戲及音樂串流,採用 GaN 功率半導體的電源供應器,能為資料中心減少 50% 功率耗損,同時提高功率密度,縮小電源尺寸。 在發電應用方面,Enphase Energy 採用 GaN 功率半導體所設計的逆變器,不僅效率提高,功率密度更提高 50%;受惠於 GaN 卓越的物理特性,Enphase Energy 的發電系統設計上減少銅、塑膠等資源使用,在達到高輸出功率的同時維持小巧尺寸。 在消費電子應用方面,GaN Systems 也協助像 Dell、Harman 等領導品牌公司,在效率及尺寸上達到前所未有的突破。其中,Harman 的充電器受惠於 GaN 功率半導體,在塑膠的使用上減少了 90%。 投資者更視 GaN 功率半導體技術為解決氣候變遷的一項利器。加拿大商業發展銀行 (Business Development Bank of Canada, BDC), Cycle Capital, 加拿大出口發展局 (Export Development Canada,…

GaN Systems Announces “GaN Systems Cup” 2021 Winners Honoring Rising Power Electronics Engineers

GaN Systems Announces “GaN Systems Cup” 2021 Winners Honoring Rising Power Electronics Engineers

GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, released today the winners of the “GaN Systems Cup” China Power Supply Society (CPSS) design competition. Now in its seventh year, this annual competition challenges engineering students from China’s leading universities to design power electronics systems that are more efficient, use less energy, and…

GaN Systems Announces “GaN Systems Cup” 2021 Winners Honoring Rising Power Electronics Engineers

GaN Systems Announces “GaN Systems Cup” 2021 Winners Honoring Rising Power Electronics Engineers

GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, released today the winners of the “GaN Systems Cup” China Power Supply Society (CPSS) design competition. Now in its seventh year, this annual competition challenges engineering students from China’s leading universities to design power electronics systems that are more efficient, use less energy, and…

The Dawn of the Sustainable Electric Vehicle Revolution

The Dawn of the Sustainable Electric Vehicle Revolution

Since the first mass market electric vehicle (EV), the Nissan Leaf, was introduced a decade ago, the drumbeat has been loud and persistent about the environmental promise of the electrification of transportation. But we’ve fallen short many times despite high hopes and the best of intentions. Social forces, government policy, business priorities, and technology innovation…

The Dawn of the Sustainable Electric Vehicle Revolution

The Dawn of the Sustainable Electric Vehicle Revolution

Since the first mass market electric vehicle (EV), the Nissan Leaf, was introduced a decade ago, the drumbeat has been loud and persistent about the environmental promise of the electrification of transportation. But we’ve fallen short many times despite high hopes and the best of intentions. Social forces, government policy, business priorities, and technology innovation…

Getty / via Forbes

Creating The Sustainable Electric Vehicle Revolution

This article by GaN Systems CEO Jim Witham was published in its entirety at on October 22, 2021.  Since the first mass-market electric vehicle (EV) was introduced a decade ago, the drumbeat has been loud and persistent around the social, business and environmental promise of the electrification of transportation. Yet, we’ve fallen short many times…

GaN Systems and USI Form Strategic Partnership to Accelerate GaN Adoption in Electric Vehicles

GaN Systems 與環旭電子策略結盟 加速氮化鎵在電動車領域發展

氮化鎵功率半導體全球領導廠商 GaN Systems 今天宣布與日月光子公司環旭電子建立策略聯盟,共同開發針對電動車應用的 GaN 電源模組。隨著電動汽車從使用傳統的矽功率電晶體轉向性能更好的氮化鎵功率元件,功率模組正經歷轉變,以滿足在功率轉換過程中降低熱損耗和精准控制電壓的需求。 GaN 電源模組將進一步提升效率、拉長的續航里程並實現更好的電動車性能。 「我們很榮幸能與 GaN Systems 這樣引領產業脈動的公司合作,」環旭電子策略投資資深副總裁 JP Shi 表示,「環旭電子與 GaN Systems 合作多年,對該公司在高可靠性、車用等級 GaN 功率元件的領先地位印象深刻。GaN 將是電動車的重要組成部分,我們期待共同開發性能卓越且高效的氮化鎵功率模組,這些模組將成為 DC-DC 轉換器、車載充電器和牽引逆變器等應用的基石。」 EV 牽引傳動系統的核心是半導體功率模組。環旭電子在功率模組、IPM(智慧功率模組)、DC/DC轉換器、RF 功率電晶體等各種封裝類型和高可靠性模組的電力電子製造方面擁有 20 多年的經驗。環旭電子通過引入汽車功能安全標準 ISO26262,並通過第二章和第七章的製造認證,獲得了汽車行業 OEM 和一級供應商的認可。 GaN Systems 全球運營副總裁暨亞洲區總經理柯宇軒 (Stephen Coates) 表示,「GaN Systems 致力於打造一個由 GaN 功率半導體驅動的完整電動車產業生態系統。透過此次合作,我們將環旭電子在複雜、高功率晶片模組的領先地位與 GaN Systems 高可靠性氮化鎵半導體技術相結合,為下一代電動車打造真正具有破壞性創新、將改變產業遊戲規則的電源模組。以我們與 BMW、Toyota和 Vitesco 等一線車廠的深厚和作關係為基礎,我們深信這次的合作,將進一步加速 GaN 功率半導體在全球電動車應用滲透。」 GaN 功率半導體的優勢 功率電子和能源轉換對電動車的成本和續航里程有很顯著的影響。物理學原理決定了在電能的每個轉換週期中,不可避免地會以熱量的形式損失一部分電能,這會影響電力傳動系統的總效率。採用 GaN 的設計提供了高效率解決方案,能夠降低熱損失並實現更高的運作性能,最終使整個系統尺寸更小、更易於生產且更具成本效益。

GaN Systems and USI Form Strategic Partnership to Accelerate GaN Adoption in Electric Vehicles

GaN Systems and USI Form Strategic Partnership to Accelerate GaN Adoption in Electric Vehicles

GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, today announced a strategic partnership with ASE Technology’s subsidiary, Universal Scientific Industrial (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., to co-develop GaN power modules for the EV market. As the electric vehicle shifts from using legacy silicon power transistors to the increased performance of GaN, power modules are…

Vitesco Technologies Enters into Strategic Partnership with GaN Systems Alongside a Minority Investment

Vitesco Technologies Enters into Strategic Partnership with GaN Systems Alongside a Minority Investment

Regensburg (Germany), Ottawa (Canada), November 18, 2021. Vitesco Technologies, a leading international provider of modern powertrain technologies and solutions for electric mobility, has entered into a strategic partnership with Canada based GaN Systems Inc. as of November 18. GaN Systems is a respected leading developer of Gallium Nitride power transistors and delivers its products amongst…