GaN Systems Transportation Articles

Vitesco Technologies Enters into Strategic Partnership with GaN Systems Alongside a Minority Investment

車用動力系統供應商 Vitesco 透過私募基金與 GaN Systems 策略結盟

全球領導電動車動力系統解決方案供應商緯湃科技 (Vitesco Technologies) 今天宣布與氮化鎵功率半導體全球領導廠商 GaN Systems 建立策略合作關係。GaN 功率半導體在車用領域具有極大的市場潛力,與矽功率元件相比,GaN 功率電晶體能使電動車動力系統更高效率、更小且具經濟效益。 電動車中充電及電力轉換應用將成為 GaN 功率半導體的最佳突破點。雖然目前 GaN 功率元件在車用領域的發展才初起步,但 GaN Systems 與 Vitesco 這次的策略結盟將擴大 GaN 在電動車應用的版圖,幫助電動車開發商進一步提高行駛里程及用電效率。 「氮化鎵功率電晶體是電力電子技術的未來,」GaN Systems 全球執行長 Jim Witham 表示,「氮化鎵將進一步縮小功率元件的尺寸,同時提高效率並減少開發成本。我們很榮幸能夠與 Vitesco 合作,擴大我們在車用領域的布局。」 GaN 功率半導體的優勢   電動車中動力系統的用電效率深受功率元件及能源轉換效率影響,在每次能源轉換間都有部分的能源損耗透過熱的形式產生,進而影響電動車整體傳動系統的效率,現有矽元件在效率上的不足便帶動了寬能隙半導體的發展,其中發展較成熟的便屬氮化鎵 (GaN) 及碳化矽 (SiC),它們能夠實現更快速的切換頻率、減少能源損耗,大幅縮減動力系統尺寸及物料成本。Vitesco 已經成功整合 SiC 元件於其高效率的電動車牽引逆變器平台中,而 GaN 便是它們的下一個發展重點。 「氮化鎵功率電晶體能有效將熱損耗降至最低,尤其是在及高切換頻率下的開關損耗,且氮化鎵在各物理特性層面皆大幅優於矽,掌握先機發展這項將左右未來的技術對我們來說相當重要,」Vitesco Technologies 電汽化事業部總經理 Gerd Rösel 表示。 雙方合作對 GaN 功率半導體加速進入車用領域的十分重要。GaN 功率電晶體的卓越效率能夠減少矽統對散熱的需求,實現更為精簡的機構設計,進而優化電動車的效率及里程。Rösel 進一步指出,「與 GaN Systems 的合作將為…

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Creating The Sustainable Electric Vehicle Revolution

This article by GaN Systems CEO Jim Witham was published in its entirety at on October 22, 2021.  Since the first mass-market electric vehicle (EV) was introduced a decade ago, the drumbeat has been loud and persistent around the social, business and environmental promise of the electrification of transportation. Yet, we’ve fallen short many times…

The EV Tipping Point is Near

Automotive News: Can a hard crystal improve range of EVs?

Canada’s GaN Systems is pitching its power-efficient transistors to help automakers extend battery range. Read the full article, published October 23, 2021, on here. The transistors used in vehicle power electronics are conventionally made from silicon. But GaN Systems Inc. of Ottawa is moving forward on transistors made from a hard crystal known as…

The EV Tipping Point is Near

Automotive News: Can a hard crystal improve range of EVs?

Canada’s GaN Systems is pitching its power-efficient transistors to help automakers extend battery range. Read the full article, published October 23, 2021, on here. The transistors used in vehicle power electronics are conventionally made from silicon. But GaN Systems Inc. of Ottawa is moving forward on transistors made from a hard crystal known as…

GaN Systems and EPowerlabs Make Leaps in E-Mobility Power Solution

GaN Systems and EPowerlabs Make Leaps in E-Mobility Power Solution

EPowerlabs’ GaN-based DC/DC converter is 1/3 smaller and 50% lighter than conventional converters GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN power semiconductors, and EPowerlabs, an end-to-end engineering services firm specializing in e-mobility applications, announced a collaboration to deliver a high-density DC/DC power converter (DDC48-1K) for a wide range of 48V mobility applications for consumer, industrial,…

GaN Systems and EPowerlabs Make Leaps in E-Mobility Power Solution

GaN Systems 與 EPowerlabs 協力加速實現電動出行

EPowerlabs 氮化鎵 DC-DC 轉換器尺寸小三分之一,重量減輕一半 氮化鎵功率半導體全球領導廠商 GaN Systems 與 EPowerlabs 合作,針對消費、工業和車用市場 48V 移動應用,共同開發高功率密度 DC-DC 電源轉換器(DDC48-1K),。 GaN 功率半導體解決電動交通工具電力系統中常見的空間限制挑戰,提供更高功率且體積更小的解決方案。這款氮化鎵 DC-DC 轉換器比標準轉換器尺寸小三分之一,重量輕一半,整體效率超過 95%。 EPowerlabs 全球執行長 Mikel Parel 表示,「透過電動出行實現一個更永續的世界是我們企業使命的核心,GaN 功率半導體在加速電動交通發展上扮演至關重要的角色。借助 GaN Systems 卓越電晶體所設計的轉換器,與市場上採用矽功率元件的設計相比,功率損耗減少 50% 以上,體積僅為三分之一。」 這款 DC-DC 轉換器的輸入電壓範圍為 24-60 VDC,連續功率高達 1kW,整體效率超過 95%,為電動輕型摩托車、電動滑板車、電動車及不同交通工具、機器人應用提供可靠且高效的解決方案。產品特色如下: 高效率:在滿載時效率達 97.5%,較市場上同規格轉換器提高了 4% 效率。 高功率密度:功率密度為 28W/in3,以其他拓撲和開關設計的轉換器僅達 10W/in3。 更輕巧:不含外殼的設計重量僅為 345 克,同功率的氣冷式 DC-DC 轉換器重量約為 750 克。 EPowerlabs DC-DC 轉換器採用 GaN…

Supply Chain Lessons Learned From The Covid-19 Pandemic

Supply Chain Lessons Learned From The Covid-19 Pandemic

Originally published on, this article by GaN Systems CEO Jim Witham addresses what the last 18 months of the Covid-19 pandemic have shown us about how we think about the supply chain. Read it in full here.  There’s no doubt that the tumultuous events of the past 18 months led to the massive disruption…

Supply Chain Lessons Learned From The Covid-19 Pandemic

Supply Chain Lessons Learned From The Covid-19 Pandemic

Originally published on, this article by GaN Systems CEO Jim Witham addresses what the last 18 months of the Covid-19 pandemic have shown us about how we think about the supply chain. Read it in full here.  There’s no doubt that the tumultuous events of the past 18 months led to the massive disruption…

GaN Systems and FTEX Increase E-Mobility Range and Power by 30%

GaN Systems and FTEX Increase E-Mobility Range and Power by 30%

GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, today announced a partnership with FTEX, a pioneer in precision motor control systems, to deliver next-generation, GaN Powered™ motor drives for personal electric vehicles (EVs) including e-scooters, e-bikes, and e-mopeds. The motor drives combine GaN Systems’ high-performance, high-frequency transistors, with FTEX’s innovative software and…

GaN Systems and FTEX Increase E-Mobility Range and Power by 30%

GaN Systems 偕 FTEX 為電動交通提高30% 續航力

氮化鎵功率半導體領導廠商 GaN Systems 今天宣布與精準電機控制系統領導廠商 FTEX 合作推出下世代氮化鎵馬達驅動系統,為未來交通工具包括電動車、電動機車、電動腳踏車及電動滑板車提供動能。 結合 GaN Systems 高頻氮化鎵功率半導體及 FTEX 創新動力解決方案的馬達驅動系統,將為電動車提高高達 30% 的續航力。GaN Systems 的 100V 氮化鎵功率電晶體以更小且熱性能更好的封裝,為 FTEX 的馬達 (Dynamic Drive) 實現更小、更高效率、更高功率密度且成本更低的高功率電動車應用。 作為氮化鎵功率半導體產業領導者,GaN Systems 實現高品質且輕巧的下世代電動車。 「GaN Systems 功率電晶體完美滿足了 FTEX 在熱性能及高切切換頻率的兩大研發重點。我們創新的設計最大化了 GaN 功率電晶體的性能,在功率密度提升 2 倍的同時提高 2.5% 能效,進而將系統重量縮減一半,」FTEX 科技長 Alexandre Cosneau 表示。「GaN Systems 無庸置疑地是功率半導體產業的領導者,它們提供的高品質及尺寸微縮的功率元件,將加速下世代電動車的發展。」 「氮化鎵功率半導體在未來電動交通工具中的滲透已逐漸擴大,從電動車到電動腳踏車、電動摩托車,我們與 FTEX 的合作便是一個絕佳案例,」GaN Systems 全球執行長 Jim Witham 表示。「採用 GaN Systems 氮化鎵功率元件取代現存矽元件,電動車動力系統工程師將能感受到顯而易見的改變,包括轉換器及牽引逆變器的尺寸,以及整體輸出功率及能源效率。透過雙方的合作,我們將進一步鞏固氮化鎵在未來交通應用中的領先優勢。」 更多相關資源:…