Bridgeless Totem Pole Circuit Simulation Tool
Choose various source and load parameters, number of devices to parallel, heat sink parameters etc. Live simulated operating and switching waveforms are generated as well as data tables showing calculations for loss and junction temperature allowing you to compare the effect of parameter variations or the operation of different parts directly. You may also download the PLECS device model files for GaN Systems’ transistors.
Please note that simulation results may not be immediately presented depending on complexity of model variable inputs.
¹⁾ A 10 Ω resistance is recommended for turn-on.
²⁾ A 2 Ω resistance is recommended for turn-off.
³⁾ The Rds_on value of the Si MOSFETs is displayed here.
⁴⁾ Total semiconductor losses including Si devices.
The losses from passive components are not included.
The losses from passive components are not included.