By Paul Wiener, VP Strategic Marketing, GaN Systems In the world of electric vehicles (EVs), performance and efficiency are paramount. As the EV industry grows, power designers constantly strive to provide more power, reduce losses, minimize heat, and shrink system sizes. These requirements stem from the ongoing pursuit of lighter vehicles with extended ranges, reduced… Angelo Angelo2023-10-20 16:36:562023-10-20 16:37:12GaN Advantages Growing in 400V and 800V EV Traction Design
GaN Systems 策略行銷副總 Paul Wiener 撰 性能與效率對電動車持續發展至關重要。全球電動車市場正快速擴張,電動車也持續朝輕量化、具備更高續航力、電池尺寸微縮及整體系統成本優化等方向發展,高功率、低損耗、小體積且低溫的電源系統,成為電源工程師在開發新一代動力系統的首要目標。 這項不斷優化的驅動力,也加速了氮化鎵 (GaN) 在電動車牽引逆變器上的應用。值得一提的是,與現今矽及碳化矽 (SiC) 功率半導體的解決方案相比,GaN 在 400V 及 800V 系統的應用中都提供顯著的優勢,且日漸受到市場認可,突顯 GaN 功率半導體在未來電動車產業中的關鍵角色。 400V 氮化鎵牽引逆變器 GaN 功率半導體是 400V 動力系統牽引逆變器革新的驅動力,滿足工程師的設計面的期待。GaN 功率元件大幅提升能效,減少近 40% 能源耗損,同時提高 33% 功率密度,實現更小巧輕量的牽引逆變器設計。整體來說,基於 GaN 設計的牽引逆變器能滿足市場對價格更實惠且續航力更高的電動車的需求。 800V 氮化鎵牽引逆變器現蹤 基於 GaN 的三階拓撲設計的牽引逆變器在 800V 系統中應用正加速發展,帶來以下設計優勢: 卓越系統效率:三階 GaN 拓撲設計在降低開關損耗、提高效率之餘,還可減少濾波器和馬達中的高頻銅損及鐵損,較採二階拓撲設計的系統在整體效率上大幅提升。 較小噪音、振動及電磁干擾:三階 GaN 拓撲生成一個接近正弦波的輸出電壓,降低 dv/dt 與諧波,減少濾波需求並將濾波器及馬達中的高頻損耗降到最低,進而降低噪音、振動及聲振平順性 (Noise, Vibration, Harshness, NVH),較低的共模電壓也同步降低了絕緣壓力和電磁干擾 (EMI)。 耐久性及可靠度優化:較低的共模電壓代表了電壓峰值受到抑制,這減少過壓脈衝的發生機率,使電路運作更平順穩定。另外,三階 GaN 拓撲能減少電機馬達軸承的負荷,提高的耐久性及可靠度有助於整體系統使用壽命的延長。…
SEMICON Taiwan 2023 once again underscored Taiwan’s strategic importance in the global semiconductor industry. Entering its 28th year, the event was held in Taipei, gathering 950 exhibitors with 3,000 booths and attracting more than 62,000 visitors. The sheer scale of participation was evident in the hour-long traffic queues and bustling metro platforms as people flocked… Yi Yi2023-10-01 21:09:292023-10-01 21:20:11Key Takeaways from SEMICON Taiwan 2023: Innovation is Intense, Sustainability is Trending and Power Semiconductors Rise is Remarkable
GaN power semiconductors continue to bring significant advancements in power-reliant industries, substantially impacting the global economy. Markets such as consumer electronics, automotive, and data centers are experiencing massive transformations as GaN power transistors replace traditional silicon in power system designs. This shift has resulted in products that are now smaller, lighter, and more energy-efficient than… 10:41:112023-09-11 11:03:38GaN Power Semiconductors Redefine a Growing Number of Market Landscapes
OTTAWA, Canada – August 2, 2023 – GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN power semiconductors, has partnered with ACEpower, a Chinese industry-leading power supply, EV charging module, and OBC (Onboard Charger) product design and manufacturer, to expedite the widespread adoption of GaN technology in electric vehicles. By harnessing GaN Systems’ cutting-edge power semiconductors, extensive… Angelo Angelo2023-08-02 07:00:202023-08-01 13:57:25GaN Systems and ACEpower Partner to Propel GaN Adoption in Chinese Electric Vehicle Market
The semiconductor industry is demonstrating resilience in the face of global supply chain challenges and pandemic-era complications. This was on full display at SEMICON China 2023, the premier annual event for the worldwide semiconductor industry held in Shanghai, attracting over 100,000 attendees and hosting 1,200 exhibitors—an unprecedented record. The recurring themes showcased the latest development… Yi Yi2023-07-19 20:19:402023-07-19 20:19:40Key Takeaways from SEMICON China 2023: Artificial Intelligence, Electric Vehicles and Sustainability
氮化鎵功率半導體領導廠商 GaN Systems 今天宣布,將整合由專精氮化鎵功率元件設計的 QPT 公司所開發的驅動、控制與感測技術,用於優化其 GaN 功率電晶體產品的效能,並為操作頻率落於100kHz – 20MHz 間,硬開關的高壓高功率應用,解決系統設計面的挑戰。這項技術證實能大幅發揮 GaN 能效,尤其在車用領域。 QPT 這項解決方案需要高速晶體管來實現 GaN 所保證的卓越能效。兩間公司已經簽屬 MOU 合作備忘錄,期望透過協作解決當前基於 GaN 電晶體的設計挑戰,進一步優化電動車電系統性能表現,為電動車續航里程帶來突破。 「GaN Systems 擁有領先業界的 650V 氮化鎵功率電晶體產品,」QPT 創辦人暨執行長 Rob Gwynne 表示,「結合GaN Systems 優秀的產品與我們創新技術所設計出的高效率功率級,將能幫助電動車更有效率地利用能源,並拉長行駛距離。」 「QPT 擁有令人十分經驗的技術實力,」GaN Systems 全球執行長 Jim Witham 表示,「基於 QPT 技術所實現的功能面的性能優化,為氮化鎵在電動車領域帶來嶄新應用機會。 透過此次合作結合雙方技術及產品優勢,將重寫市場競局。」 由於 QPT 的技術能更有效率的驅動 GaN 電晶體,進而延長電動車續航里程。氮化鎵功率元件的卓越切換速度,使其被視為功率半導體領域的明日之星。切換頻率低的功率元件容易造成能源耗損,主因在開關切換期間,當電晶體既不處於開,也不處於關的狀態時,大量的能源會透過熱的型態逐漸消散,造成功率損耗級過熱的問題。拉高切換頻率,縮短開關切換所需的時間,便能降低能源耗損。GaN 功率電晶體能在 1 – 2 奈秒 (ns) 間完成切換動作,相較矽或碳化矽電晶體所需的 20…