“It Ain’t So Hard…” by Larry Spaziani

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GaN is seen as a new technology in a new package with new characteristics. While it may not be new to some, for those who are unfamiliar to GaN’s innovation, the clock’s ticking and their competitors are developing systems with GaN. For some people, the fear of the unknown is intimidating at best. These individuals usually think GaN is highly complicated, but it’s not. They just haven’t seen anything like GaN before. The reality is that with GaN, it ain’t so hard.

At GaN Systems, we have two types of customers – those that jump in and figure it out. And, those who aren’t sure how to get started. So, for those who aren’t sure how to take the first steps, we need to ask ourselves – what’s holding them back?

For those who were initially hesitant with GaN, we have learned that there is a process of learning the subtle differences of GaN, and these differences come down to three unique GaN properties:

  • While the gate drive is different, GaN is easy to drive and just requires a good lay out
  • GaN package is different – but remember, it is just a surface mount package, and all the same rules that customers already know still apply to GaN
  • Although the reverse operating behavior is unique to GaN, it’s easy to understand and highly beneficial

My colleagues and I understand that when customers are introduced to something new, more often than not, they are hesitant to be ‘early adopters’. Preferably, they would like to be shown a product that has been already used in the field by many other companies.

At GaN Systems, we work with thousands of customers across the globe and during their journey with us, they have successfully designed new and innovative solutions with our GaN. By working with our customers to simply describe GaN – notably, how it’s different but only marginally so – our customers are able to realize that with GaN, it ain’t so  hard. Consequently, GaN Systems is the global leader in GaN power semiconductors with the largest portfolio of transistors that uniquely address the needs of today’s most demanding industries, including data center servers, renewable energy systems, automotive, industrial motors and consumer electronics.

For more information on GaN systems, please visit www.gansystems.com or on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.