Predictions for 2022: Powering the Global Economy

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As 2022 approaches, we see bolder and more proactive action from companies around sustainability and environmental impact – particularly in the way we use power.


Over the past year, our conversations with corporate leaders have continued to confirm GaN Systems’ belief that yesterday’s silicon has reached its limits in solving critical power systems challenges around energy efficiency and design. GaN (gallium nitride) technology is the clear and undisputed solution driving unique forms of product innovation that deliver robust competitive advantages in power-reliant industries.

With this in mind, GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN power semiconductors, unveils its power electronics predictions for 2022.  Our top predictions explore the lessons learned during the past year of unprecedented disruption and uncertainty. There has been an accelerated rate of technology innovation across numerous industries. And power is not an exception.

Predictions for 2022: Powering the Global Economy

Click here to go download our predictions ebook.