By Paul Wiener, VP Strategic Marketing, GaN Systems In the world of electric vehicles (EVs), performance and efficiency are paramount. As the EV industry grows, power designers constantly strive to provide more power, reduce losses, minimize heat, and shrink system sizes. These requirements stem from the ongoing pursuit of lighter vehicles with extended ranges, reduced… Angelo Angelo2023-10-20 16:36:562023-10-20 16:37:12GaN Advantages Growing in 400V and 800V EV Traction Design
SEMICON Taiwan 2023 once again underscored Taiwan’s strategic importance in the global semiconductor industry. Entering its 28th year, the event was held in Taipei, gathering 950 exhibitors with 3,000 booths and attracting more than 62,000 visitors. The sheer scale of participation was evident in the hour-long traffic queues and bustling metro platforms as people flocked… Yi Yi2023-10-01 21:09:292023-10-01 21:20:11Key Takeaways from SEMICON Taiwan 2023: Innovation is Intense, Sustainability is Trending and Power Semiconductors Rise is Remarkable
重點摘要 GaN Systems 第四代氮化鎵平台 (Gen 4 GaN Power Platform) 幫助全球客戶在能源效率及尺寸微縮上突破瓶頸。 以業界領先的品質因數 (figures of merit) 強化 GaN Systems 作為全球氮化鎵功率元件首選供應商的領先角色。 實現具有絕對優勢的開關及傳導損耗,進一步驗證氮化鎵功率半導體在消費電子、資料中心、太陽能、工業及車用市場的應用優勢。 大幅優化效率及功率密度,解鎖降低整體電源系統成本的密碼,相較矽、碳化矽 (SiC)、甚至其他氮化鎵產品,提供更高的成本效益。 GaN System 作為推動電源產業更新換代的先驅,承諾持續開發高性價比的能源轉換解決方案。 全球氮化鎵功率半導體領導廠商 GaN Systems 今推出全新第四代氮化鎵平台 (Gen 4 GaN Power Platform),不僅在能源效率及尺寸上確立新的標竿,更提供顯著的性能表現優化及業界領先的質量因數 (figures of merit)。以 GaN Systems 在 2022 年發表的 3.2kW 人工智慧 (AI) 伺服器電源供應器來看,改採用最新第四代平台,不僅效率超過鈦金級能效標準,功率密度更從 100W/in3 提升至 120W/in3。 第四代平台將為消費電子、資料中心、太陽能、工業及汽車等應用場域帶來突破性的革新,相較矽、碳化矽 (SiC)、甚至其他氮化鎵產品,第四代平台能進一步降低的物料清單 (Bill-of-Material, BoM) 成本,提供卓越成本效益。GaN Systems 作為氮化鎵功率元件首選供應商,致力於協助客戶創造市場差異化,鞏固競爭優勢。 「我們的主要客戶已認可第四代氮化鎵平台的優勢。該平台充分體現…
Key Takeaways GaN Systems releases its highly rated Gen4 GaN power platform, enabling customers to achieve new power efficiency and size reduction levels. With its industry-leading figures of merit, Gen4 further positions GaN Systems as the worldwide go-to supplier for GaN power. Gen4 delivers the world’s best switching and conduction loss performance – advancing GaN… Angelo Angelo2023-09-27 07:00:352023-09-27 07:02:15GaN Systems Introduces 4th Generation GaN Power Platform – Raising the Bar for Efficiency and Fueling Accelerated Global Adoption of GaN
Apple announced today that its new iPhone 15 will have a USB-C charging port instead of the long-running proprietary Lightning port. This shift aligns with European Union law requiring devices to adopt a standard charging connection by December 2024. Under the law, by the end of 2024, all mobile phones, tablets, and cameras sold in the EU… 08:00:072023-09-18 10:37:37GaN and USB-C ubiquity are simplifying life and improving global sustainability
By Paul Wiener, VP Strategic Marketing, GaN Systems With the increasing global population and the subsequent surge in residential and commercial construction, power demand is at unprecedented levels. Nations worldwide struggle to meet this excessive demand, leading to a critical power crisis. The crisis has prompted local and federal authorities to scrutinize energy efficiency and… Angelo Angelo2023-09-06 09:23:492023-09-11 08:23:59Illuminating the Future: GaN Enables Sustainability in LED Lighting
GaN Systems 策略行銷副總裁 Paul Wiener 觀點 全球人口數持續攀升、各經濟體逐步復甦下,全球電力需求持續上升,促使各國政府更嚴格的審查能源效率、提倡加深永續作為來降低整體能源消耗。其中,照明約占整體能源消耗的 20-30%,面對缺電危機,LED 照明成為落實節能減碳的要角之一,在政府所公布的 2030 節能減碳戰略中,也明訂 2025 年市售燈泡將全面為 LED。這樣的趨勢下,LED 照明無論在居家、商業或工業領域的滲透度,皆有大幅度成長,根據 Trendforce 的預估,LED 照明市場規模將於 2026 年達 783.6 億美元。 利用氮化鎵 (GaN) 的高頻高效特性,基於 GaN 功率電晶體設計的 LED 驅動器,將為 LED 照明帶來改變競局的能效提升,實現簡潔且輕量的外觀設計,使 LED 照明成為更符合永續淨零時代下的照明解決方案。 GaN 功率半導體將為 LED 燈泡帶來以下優勢: 大幅節省能源成本:不同於傳統照明系統,提升的能效將使 LED 在同樣亮度下消耗更少能源,兼具減少電費支出與節能效益。 尺寸及重量微縮:縮減的尺寸及重量將簡化 LED 照明系統安裝,並使應用場域更多元。 產業龍頭已採用 GaN 功率半導體在產品設計上帶來的優勢已受到 LED 照明業者認可,飛利浦 (Philips) 便是其一,在 TrueForce Core LED Road 系列產品中採用了…
GaN power semiconductors continue to bring significant advancements in power-reliant industries, substantially impacting the global economy. Markets such as consumer electronics, automotive, and data centers are experiencing massive transformations as GaN power transistors replace traditional silicon in power system designs. This shift has resulted in products that are now smaller, lighter, and more energy-efficient than… 10:41:112023-09-11 11:03:38GaN Power Semiconductors Redefine a Growing Number of Market Landscapes