Since the first mass market electric vehicle (EV), the Nissan Leaf, was introduced a decade ago, the drumbeat has been loud and persistent about the environmental promise of the electrification of transportation. But we’ve fallen short many times despite high hopes and the best of intentions. Social forces, government policy, business priorities, and technology innovation… 10:14:072023-07-19 16:47:09The Dawn of the Sustainable Electric Vehicle Revolution
Since the first mass market electric vehicle (EV), the Nissan Leaf, was introduced a decade ago, the drumbeat has been loud and persistent about the environmental promise of the electrification of transportation. But we’ve fallen short many times despite high hopes and the best of intentions. Social forces, government policy, business priorities, and technology innovation… 09:13:212023-07-20 11:01:39The Dawn of the Sustainable Electric Vehicle Revolution
Comparisons of transistor device models and simulation techniques illustrate which approach works best for specific design scenarios. This article, written by Lei Kou and Lucas Lu, was originally published on Power Electronics Tips, October 27, 2021. Read the full article here. When designing a new system based on Gallium Nitride (GaN) power transistors, simulation provides…
Comparisons of transistor device models and simulation techniques illustrate which approach works best for specific design scenarios. This article, written by Lei Kou and Lucas Lu, was originally published on Power Electronics Tips, October 27, 2021. Read the full article here. When designing a new system based on Gallium Nitride (GaN) power transistors, simulation provides…
OTTAWA, Ontario, September 14, 2021 – GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN power semiconductors, today announced the signing of a comprehensive Capacity Agreement with BMW Group for GaN Systems’ high-performance, automotive-grade GaN power transistors, which increase the efficiency and power density of critical applications in electric vehicles. GaN power semiconductors are a key ingredient… 14:48:372023-06-20 10:17:02GaN Systems Signs Semiconductor Capacity Agreement with BMW
氮化鎵功率半導體全球領導廠商 GaN Systems 今天宣佈與 BMW 針對高性能車規 GaN 功率電晶體簽訂產能協議,進一步優化相關電動車關鍵功率元件應用的效率及功率密度。 GaN 功率半導體是實現下世代電動車必備的輕、小、高效率等性能的關鍵零組件。 根據與 BMW 的協議條款,GaN Systems 將為 BMW 不同應用的批量生產中提供保證產能,確保車廠供應鏈的穩定性。 「電動車是未來交通的主流,我們很榮幸能以我們創新的設計及生產能力支持 BMW 對創新及永續的承諾,」 GaN Systems 全球執行長 Jim Witham 表示。 BMW 與 GaN Systems 的合作起源於 4 年多前,當時 BMW 的工程師發現 GaN 能有效縮小車載充電器 (on-board charger)、DC-DC轉換器及牽引逆變器的尺寸、重量及物料成本,,進而促成了集團旗下風險投資公司 BMW i Ventures 對 GaN Systems 的投資,幫助 GaN Systems 加速 GaN 功率半導體技術在電動車應用上的認證。 「在 GaN Systems 和… 09:13:202023-06-20 10:17:02GaN Systems 與 BMW 簽署產能協議
OTTAWA, Canada AND PARIS, France, July 21, 2020 – GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, and BrightLoop Converters, a leading French power electronics company, today announced their strategic partnership to develop the latest AC/DC and DC/DC Converter products for electric motorsport and aerospace applications. Leveraging GaN Systems’ 650V GaN transistors,… 12:00:052023-08-08 15:38:56BrightLoop Converters and GaN Systems Collaborate to Bring Disruptive Power Electronics to the Road Track and the Skies
氮化鎵功率半導體全球領導廠商 GaN Systems 今日宣布與法國功率電子公司 BrightLoop Converters 建立策略合作夥伴關係,共同開發最新 AC-DC 和 DC-DC 轉換器,用於電動賽車和航太應用。採用 GaN Systems 的 650V GaN 電晶體,BrightLoop 所設計的轉換器比市場上現有的產品更輕薄短巧、且更高效。 GaN 在需要高功率性能和可靠性的產業中扮演關鍵角色。BrightLoop 最新系列的 DC-DC 轉換器,包括為混合動力和電動賽車設計的 1.9kW、4.8kW 和9.6kW DC-DC 轉換器,採用了GaN Systems 電晶體,體積和重量僅為其第一代不使用 GaN 所開發的 DC-DC轉換器的一半。BrightLoop 不斷利用 GaN 功率半導體技術進行改進,以生產更輕巧、更高功率密度的轉換器。 BrightLoop DC-DC 轉換器現已被多支 Formula E 電動方程式車隊採用,其中包括 2019 年的冠軍隊伍。該轉換器的功能是為所有低壓電子設備(包括幫浦、照明和無線電)提供電力。最近,全球領先的賽車促進組織 World Sporting Consulting(WSC)集團宣布 BrightLoop 成為 ETCR 車輛的唯一指定 DC-DC 轉換器供應商。ETCR 是世界上第一個電動旅行車錦標賽,始於 2020 年夏季。… 09:13:152023-08-09 10:22:05BrightLoop 與 GaN Systems 攜手為陸空交通帶來突破性的解決方案
OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, June 30, 2020 – GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, announced today its participation at “PCIM Europe Digital Days,” taking place July 7–8, 2020. CEO Jim Witham will participate in two panel sessions, “GaN Devices – The Game-Changers” and “Power GaN: Past-Present-Future,” illustrating how GaN power semiconductors… 10:00:222023-06-20 09:33:12GaN Systems Shows Why GaN is a Game Changer at PCIM 2020
OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, June 30, 2020 – GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, announced today its participation at “PCIM Europe Digital Days,” taking place July 7–8, 2020. CEO Jim Witham will participate in two panel sessions, “GaN Devices – The Game-Changers” and “Power GaN: Past-Present-Future,” illustrating how GaN power semiconductors… 09:13:152023-08-08 07:10:08GaN Systems Shows Why GaN is a Game Changer at PCIM 2020