New Solutions Provide Designers a Comprehensive Set of Building Blocks to Create Outstanding Audio Systems Key Takeaways: With two new amplifier modules and two new audio boost converter designs, GaN Systems now provides a comprehensive solution that enables audio systems and designers across markets to mix and match designs and maximize performance for their specific industries.… Angelo Angelo2022-10-25 07:00:232023-08-09 09:07:18GaN Systems Extends its Lead in Class D Audio
全新建構模組為創建出色音訊系統而生 重點摘要: GaN System 新推出兩個放大器模組和兩個音訊升壓轉換器,針對不同市場提供更全面的 D 類音訊解決方案,幫助設計工程師整合搭配不同設計,進一步提升音訊系統整體效能表現。 與矽相比,採用 GaN 功率元件設計的 D 類音訊系統將能實現更清晰的音質、同時降低能耗及縮小尺寸,應用市場從家用市場擴展到近年快速成長的汽車、船舶和電動車市場。 GaN Systems 在快速增長的 D 類音訊市場中保持市場優勢。D 類音訊市場預計將於 2024 年達到 36 億美元市值。 GaN Systems 今天推出兩個 D 類高階 GaN FET 音訊放大器和兩個音訊升壓轉換器,將 D 類音訊解決方案擴大至汽車、船舶及電動車等應用市場。GaN Systems 的 D 類音訊解決方案涵蓋放大器、電源和升壓轉換器,針對汽車、家用及專業音響市場提供一站式解決方案,説明音訊系統設計工程師整合搭配不同設計,提高產品整體效能表現。 GaN Systems 氮化鎵功率電晶體在下一代音訊產品中,扮演關鍵零組件角色。新推出的 D 類音訊設計針對音質、尺寸皆進行優化,同時淘汰了散熱器,更幫助音訊系統設計工程師以更合理的成本、更短的開發時間,設計高階音響產品。 D 類音訊市場預計於2024年前達到36億美元市值,這股成長動能主要受消費電子產品、智慧家居設備,車載資訊娛樂系統,以及輕薄節能行動裝置等應用市場需求持續攀升影響。 210W and 300W Audio Boost Converters:這兩款高壓升壓轉換器參考設計可以分別達到 210W 連續/300W 最大及 300W 連續/500W 最大電源輸出,適用於汽車、船舶的獨立單聲道、身歷聲和多聲道放大器。…
OTTAWA, Canada – Oct. 11, 2022 – GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, today announced that the new Renesas Electronics Corporation’s automotive 48V/12V Bidirectional DC/DC Converter is powered by GaN Systems power transistors, resulting in significant power density improvements. The new converter uses GaN Systems’ GS61008P, a 100V enhancement mode GaN-on-silicon power transistor, to… Angelo Angelo2022-10-11 08:00:202023-08-01 11:19:48Automotive DC/DC 50% Size Reduction with GaN Systems and Renesas
OTTAWA, Canada – Sept. 28, 2022 – GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, announced that 16 teams from China’s top universities have been selected as finalists in the 8th annual “GaN Systems Cup” College Power Electronics Application Design Competition. The competition, first launched by the China Power Supply Society (CPSS)… 17:57:422023-06-20 10:39:28GaN Systems “GaN Cup” Power Electronics Design Competition Narrows the Field to 16 Teams
OTTAWA, Canada – Sept. 28, 2022 – GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, announced that 16 teams from China’s top universities have been selected as finalists in the 8th annual “GaN Systems Cup” College Power Electronics Application Design Competition. The competition, first launched by the China Power Supply Society (CPSS)… 01:40:362023-06-20 10:39:28GaN Systems “GaN Cup” Power Electronics Design Competition Narrows the Field to 16 Teams
GaN Charger Brings Breakthrough Performance and Innovation to the Laptop Gaming Market OTTAWA, Canada – September 8, 2022 – GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN power semiconductors, announced today that the 280W AC charger paired with the new blistering fast Razer™ Blade 17 gaming laptop features GaN Systems high-quality transistors – delivering more power… 03:30:482023-06-27 00:40:19Razer 旗艦電競筆電充電器採用 GaN Systems 氮化鎵功率電晶體
新推出的 140W 快充參考設計較矽充電器重量減輕 40%、體積縮小一半 氮化鎵功率半導體的全球領導者 GaN Systems 今天宣佈推出一款全新的 140W AC/DC 快充參考設計,配備 USB PD 3.1 單口 Type-C 輸出。與傳統採用矽功率元件的充電器相比,這款新設計重量減輕 40%,體積縮小一半,且功率密度達 23W/in3。這項新產品發表將使 GaN Systems 在消費快充應用的解決方案組合 (65W, 100W, 140W, 250W) 更加完整,幫助客戶加快設計週期,以推出更小、更輕、更強大、更高效的充電器。 這款 140W 氮化鎵消費快充設計解決方案提供完整組裝和測試技術文件,以無橋圖騰柱 PFC 和雙開關 QR 反激式高頻率二階式電源拓撲結構設計,使用 GaN Systems 5×6 mm PDFN 封裝的 GS-065-011-1-L 功率電晶體,提供客戶高性價比的客製設計,同時減少被動元件數量。 140 W GaN 快充產品特色: 支援 USB PD3.1 快充協定,最高可達28V 5A 尺寸減小 50%、功率密度達 23W/in3 峰值效率 >94%…
OTTAWA, Canada – August 16, 2022 – GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN power semiconductors, announced today the availability of a new turnkey 140W AC/DC charger reference design with USB PD3.1, Single Port Type-C Output. Compared to silicon-based chargers, this design is 40% lighter and 50% smaller, featuring an ultra-high-power density of 23W/in3. This…