GaN Systems Events Articles

GaN Systems and xFusion Announce World’s First 100W/in3 Data Center Power Supply

GaN Systems 連袂 xFusion 推出全球第一台 100W/in3 資料中心電源供應器

採用 GaN 功率元件的伺服器電源供應器 PSU 將為資料中心創造收入、降低成本並減少碳排 氮化鎵功率半導體的全球領導廠商 GaN Systems 和全球領先的電腦基礎設施及服務供應商超聚變(xFusion) 合作推出了 3kW 資料中心電源供應器,為業界第一台功率密度達到 100W/in3 的資料中心電源解決方案,達到 80 Plus 鈦金級能效等級。這款突破性的伺服器電源將在 2022 年 PCIM 德國紐倫堡電力電子展會上攤位#509 展出。 隨著資料中心和電力需求日益增長,構建可持續發展社會的願景正在推動資料中心行業的變革。採用 GaN System 功率電晶體所帶來的優勢已經得到證明,輸出功率從 800W 到 6kW 的產品性能均得到提高,同時在營運、財務和環境上帶來可觀的效益。 xFusion 3kW PSU 優越產品特性: 功率密度高達100W/in3  符合 80 Plus 鈦金級能效要求,最高效率達 96% 尺寸微縮,僅 68 mm x 183 mm x 40.5 mm 支援 90~264V 直流電壓和 180V~300V 交流電壓輸入,12V輸出 「GaN…

GaN Systems and xFusion Announce World’s First 100W/in3 Data Center Power Supply

GaN Systems and xFusion Announce World’s First 100W/in3 Data Center Power Supply

GaN-Based PSUs Enable Data Centers to Increase Revenue and Reduce Operating Costs and Carbon Footprint NUREMBERG, Germany (PCIM Europe 2022) AND OTTAWA, Canada – May 10, 2022 – GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, and xFusion Digital Technologies Co., Ltd. (xFusion), a leading global provider of computing power infrastructure and services,…

Breakthrough Performance on Display with GaN Systems at PCIM 2022

Breakthrough Performance on Display with GaN Systems at PCIM 2022

SEE THE NEWEST INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS ADVANCING POWER ELECTRONICS IN DATA CENTER, INDUSTRIAL, AND AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, today announced the key power electronics solutions that will be on display at PCIM Europe 2022 from May 10–12, 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany. PCIM is one of the world’s…

Breakthrough Performance on Display with GaN Systems at PCIM 2022

Breakthrough Performance on Display with GaN Systems at PCIM 2022

SEE THE NEWEST INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS ADVANCING POWER ELECTRONICS IN DATA CENTER, INDUSTRIAL, AND AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, today announced the key power electronics solutions that will be on display at PCIM Europe 2022 from May 10–12, 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany. PCIM is one of the world’s…

Four Key Takeaways from APEC 2022

Four Key Takeaways from APEC 2022

The 37th Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), which happened on March 20-24, 2022, in Houston, is the first APEC event to be held in person since the pandemic started. APEC is one of the leading conferences for power electronic professionals, and this year did not disappoint. Here are our key takeaways from the show. Wide…

Four Key Takeaways from APEC 2022

Four Key Takeaways from APEC 2022

The 37th Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), which happened on March 20-24, 2022, in Houston, is the first APEC event to be held in person since the pandemic started. APEC is one of the leading conferences for power electronic professionals, and this year did not disappoint. Here are our key takeaways from the show. Wide…

GaN Systems Leads the Data Center Power Revolution

GaN Systems 引領資料中心電源革命

採用 GaN技術的電源供應器每年可為資料中心每 10組機櫃,提高 300 萬美元的利潤,降低運營成本,同時減少 100 公噸的二氧化碳排放量 氮化鎵功率半導體全球領導廠商 GaN Systems 宣佈推出次世代電源供應器 (PSU) 解決方案,強化資料中心獲利能力,降低運營成本,並減少能源使用,為更永續的未來做出貢獻。 在位於休斯頓舉行的第 37 屆年度應用電力電子會議 (APEC) 上,來自 SoluM、Compuware 和 GaN Systems 的電源解決方案將在 GaN Systems 展位 #1324 上展出。 GaN Systems 電源解決方案以其卓越的可靠性、領先世界的高品質電晶體組合、參考設計和專業知識而享有盛譽,使用這些技術營運商們可以更永續、更有效率地管理他們的資料中心。 採用 GaN Systems 技術的電源供應器,功率密度提高 50%,使營運商能夠在現有機櫃中安裝更大功率的 CPU、具更強大運算能力的 GPU 和更多的記憶體空間,進而帶來更多利潤、更低的運營成本和更高回報率的投資計畫。 此外,GaN Systems 電源供應器的效率高於傳統採用矽元件的設計,更高的能源效率意味著更低的電費和二氧化碳排放量,從而減少碳足跡並幫助客戶實現永續發展目標。   GaN Systems 資料中心客戶陣容中的新成員是 SoluM,它是英特爾的主要供應商,擁有超過 90% 的伺服器 CPU 市佔率,並且正在穩步擴大業務範圍中。SoluM 採用 GaN Systems 技術生產的最新產品是…

GaN Systems Brings Amazing GaN Audio to Cars, Motorcycles, and Boats

GaN Systems 為汽車、摩托車和船舶帶來高品質的氮化鎵音響

評價一致認為 GaN Systems 下世代 D 類音訊系統能完美重現原音,並重新定義音響性能標準 氮化鎵功率半導體全球領導廠商 GaN Systems 今天在於美國休斯頓舉辦的第 37 屆年度應用電力電子會議 (APEC 2022) 上發表全新 300W 音訊升壓轉換器 (SMPS) 。 這款 300W 參考設計提供汽車、船舶、摩托車和各種 12VDC 輸入應用的完整解決方案,幫助客戶縮短產品上市時間,並提升音訊系統性能,提供更好的音質和更小巧、更簡約的外觀設計。GaN Systems 將於攤位 #1324上展出完整音訊解決方案以及來自 Syng、Orchard Audio、Axign 等品牌的氮化鎵音響應用實例。 這款全新 SMPS 參考設計支援 300W 連續、500W 峰值輸出功率, 9VDC 至 16VDC 的直流電源電壓輸入,額定負載突降,並能與 GaN Systems +/-32VDC 雙軌輸出放大器同步運作。 除了寬廣的直流電源電壓輸入範圍、板載共模交流電路濾波器和差分初級驅動變壓器拓撲外,該參考設計還提供 SCP、OCP、熱保護、電壓保護和自動恢復等功能。 針對音訊市場,GaN Systems 傳達十分明確產品價值定位:GaN 功率半導體能優化音質、強化輸出功率、同時汰除散熱器以達到體積縮小和流線型外觀。 在 AudioXpress 四月號雜誌針對 GaN Systems…

GaN Systems Leads the Data Center Power Revolution

GaN Systems Leads the Data Center Power Revolution

For each set of 10 racks in the data center, GaN-based PSUs can increase profits by $3 million, reduce the cost of operating a data center and CO2 emissions output by more than 100 metric tons per year GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, announces cutting-edge power supply unit (PSU)…

GaN Systems Brings Amazing GaN Audio to Cars, Motorcycles, and Boats

GaN Systems Brings Amazing GaN Audio to Cars, Motorcycles, and Boats

Reviewers agree that GaN Systems’ next-generation Class-D audio designs deliver near-perfect sonic reproduction and raise-the-bar in audio system performance GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, today announced the launch of its 300W Audio Boost Converter SMPS at the 37th annual Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) in Houston. The 300W reference…