GaN Systems Industrial Articles

GaN Systems Unveils Annual Power Semiconductor Predictions for 2023

GaN Systems Unveils Annual Power Semiconductor Predictions for 2023

Key Take-Aways 2023 will be another landmark year for GaN—with the now widely-adopted technology estimated to reach $2 Billion by 20271, driven by rising adoption across consumer electronics, automotive, data centers, and sustainability initiatives. Supply Chain – The initiation of historic multi-year programs to change where and how semiconductors are fabricated and packaged. Sustainability – Motivations…

GaN Systems Unveils Annual Power Semiconductor Predictions for 2023

多重應用齊發 GaN 功率半導體迎向成長轉捩點

氮化鎵功率半導體領導者 GaN Systems 從地緣政治下全球半導體產業鏈動態、能源轉換效率革新等面向,展望 2023 年全球功率半導體產業發展態勢。電汽化 (Electrification) 、數位化 (Digitalization) 及淨零永續 (Sustainability) 三大全球趨勢將持續加速 GaN 功率半導體產業成長及應用落地。GaN 穩定、耐高壓高溫的物理特性使其逐步在資料中心、電動車、工業製造、及消費電子等「由能源驅動」的應用市場中嶄露頭角,成為解決矽基元件目前瓶頸的理想替代方案。然而面對大環境政經不確定性等逆風因素,供應鏈管理及多元佈局將成為功率半導體業者的決勝點—能鞏固現有客戶的交期,同時有餘力點燃創新之火,突破技術瓶頸。 預測一 地緣政治促使全球政府及企業擴大當地投資 半導體產業鏈趨向多元化 GaN Systems 全球執行長 Jim Witham 在稍早接受富比士訪問時指出,如果半導體業者從過去18個月中學習到什麼,那就是風散風險不再單指產品組合的多樣性,更指「供應商組合」的多樣性。供應商多樣性除地域上的多元之外,企業也需認同供應商多元的價值,因為即使是規模較小的供應商也有可能為當下困境提供最及時的解套。在近期的未來,我們會看到更多半導體廠在歐美及新興市場的投資計畫,但半導體產業生態系的合縱連橫絕對不能在短時間被複製或取代。 預測二   能源獨立與脫碳挑戰加劇 吹起能源轉換效率革命號角 各行業的電汽化及數位化造成能源需求急速攀升,即使近年再生能源發電成長有所突破,但仍遠不及全球的用電需求。當全球企業都將脫碳視為一項不僅是立即需採取的行動,更是長遠需達成的目標,能源轉換效率的革新便成為企業在永續跟獲利間取得雙贏的重要手段。GaN Systems 認為氮化鎵功率半導體將在這場能源革命中扮演舉足輕重的角色,從減少能源轉換間的能量流失,開發更高功率但尺寸更小的儲能系統,最終全面提高再生能源發電使用效率,GaN 功率半導體將會是通往全球淨零轉型的快捷方式。 預測三 碳排大戶資料中心將靠氮化鎵維持獲利並實現淨零 為因應日益龐大的資料量,資料中心平均每 3-5 年需升級硬體設備以維持效能。另外,歐盟針對伺服器、資料儲存等產品能源效率通過 ErP 環保設計指令 Lot 9,開放運算計畫 (OCP) 重新定義資料中心電源供應器尺寸規範—較原先縮小 30%等法規皆將在 2023 年生效,接下來我們將看到有更多雲端巨頭資料中心導入氮化鎵功率半導體,以實現更高效率的電源管理。 氮化鎵功率元件更快的開關速度、更高的導電性及將幫助資料中心減少在電源轉換和電路分配上熱能產生,進而減少複雜冷卻解決方案的需求。採用氮化鎵技術,每 10 組伺服器機架每年約能增加300 萬美元的利潤。 預測四 氮化鎵功率半導體進入電動車市場應用甜蜜點  汽車棄油轉電政策、地域衝突下的能源風險、全球減碳目標確立等因素並行下,電動車市場成長幅度將更為急遽。展望 2023 年,碳化矽功率元件的發展將受限於缺料、良率及高居不下的成本;反觀氮化鎵車用功率元件,雖目前仍處開發階段,但市場將在 2025-2026…

Optimum Power Stage Design with GaN for Next Generation Power Supplies

Optimum Power Stage Design with GaN for Next Generation Power Supplies

In this webinar: GaN power stage design for several topologies and power levels will be detailed Examples of thermal and electrical performance optimization will be reviewed You will learn how to implement proven power stage design techniques to maximize performance in applications ranging from consumer chargers and adapters, to enterprise and industrial power supplies, to…

Optimum Power Stage Design with GaN for Next Generation Power Supplies


論壇主題: 分析不同 GaN 功率級設計拓樸結構及使用功率 探討 GaN 功率級設計在散熱及導電效能上所帶來的優化 分享 GaN 功率級設計在消費電子充電器及變壓器、商用及工業用電源供應器、或車載充電器及牽引逆變器等應用案例 下載研討會簡報 >>

GaN Systems CEO on Transformation through GaN Power Transistors

GaN Systems CEO on Transformation through GaN Power Transistors

GaN Systems showcased some of the latest power electronics solutions at PCIM Europe 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany. According GaN Systems, power supplies using its GaN transistors have 2x higher power density compared to conventional PSUs and can save up to 20 percent of energy in data centers. This video shows GaN transistors for traditional large-size…

GaN Systems CEO on Transformation through GaN Power Transistors

GaN Systems CEO 探討 GaN 功率半導體帶來的改變

在 2022 年 PCIM 德國紐倫堡電力電子展中,GaN Systems 展示最新功率半導體解決方案,包括能幫助資料中心省下 20% 能耗且功率密度提升 2 倍的電源供應器。 以下影片將闡述採用 GaN 功率半導體的電源模組所帶來的優勢,在尺寸、熱性能、甚至是訊號產生等面向,都優於傳統矽功率半導體。

Four Key Takeaways from APEC 2022

Four Key Takeaways from APEC 2022

The 37th Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), which happened on March 20-24, 2022, in Houston, is the first APEC event to be held in person since the pandemic started. APEC is one of the leading conferences for power electronic professionals, and this year did not disappoint. Here are our key takeaways from the show. Wide…

Four Key Takeaways from APEC 2022

Four Key Takeaways from APEC 2022

The 37th Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), which happened on March 20-24, 2022, in Houston, is the first APEC event to be held in person since the pandemic started. APEC is one of the leading conferences for power electronic professionals, and this year did not disappoint. Here are our key takeaways from the show. Wide…

2022 Power Predictions - Powering The Global Economy

Predictions for 2022: Powering the Global Economy

As 2022 approaches, we see bolder and more proactive action from companies around sustainability and environmental impact – particularly in the way we use power.   Over the past year, our conversations with corporate leaders have continued to confirm GaN Systems’ belief that yesterday’s silicon has reached its limits in solving critical power systems challenges…

2022 Power Predictions - Powering The Global Economy

Predictions for 2022: Powering the Global Economy

As 2022 approaches, we see bolder and more proactive action from companies around sustainability and environmental impact – particularly in the way we use power.   Over the past year, our conversations with corporate leaders have continued to confirm GaN Systems’ belief that yesterday’s silicon has reached its limits in solving critical power systems challenges…