“GaN Systems Cup” 2021 China Power Supply Society Design Competition is Now Underway

GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN power semiconductors, announced today that the seventh annual “GaN Systems Cup” China Power Supply Society (CPSS) design competition is now in progress. Engineering teams from China’s top universities are in the preliminary stages of the competition with the goal to develop the best design for a high efficiency, high power density wide output power supply design using GaN Systems GS-065-011-1-L transistors.

“GaN Systems Cup” 2021 China Power Supply Society Design Competition is Now Underway

“The GaN Systems Cup is a great way for lots of young engineers to design with our GaN as it becomes the power electronics industry’s fundamental building block,” said Jim Witham, CEO of GaN Systems. “We are happy to support this program and wish the teams the best of luck as they develop their solutions during this phase of the competition.”

University teams are tasked to develop a GaN-based power supply design meeting several technical requirements, including:

  • 90-265 VACrms input voltage
  • 5V–15V output voltage (test two working conditions of 15V/5A and 5V/5A)
  • Greater than 90% efficiency at 15V/5A output
  • Not less than 10W/in³ power density
  • Run continuously for 30 minutes

Finalists will be announced on August 25, 2021 and the on-site finals and award ceremony will be held in November 2021 during the CPSS Annual Conference. Designs will be judged on meeting design criteria, functionality during test day, ingenuity, and quality of presentation.

The CPSS design competition focuses on innovation in energy conservation, emission reduction, and new energy utilization and encourages students to pursue careers in power electronics industry. The “GaN Systems Cup” is organized by Chongqing University and is sponsored by GaN Systems, CPSS and the organization’s Science Popularization Working Committee, and Ningbo Xici Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Itech Electronics Co., Ltd. is the supplier of the test equipment.