GaN Systems Videos Articles

GaN Systems Showcases World's Smallest GaN Chargers at APEC

GaN Systems 將在 APEC 2022 展示業界最小的氮化鎵充電器

氮化鎵功率半導體的全球領導廠商 GaN Systems 和國際知名的功率轉換研發公司 Rompower Energy Systems 今天宣布推出業界第一個、同時也是目前市面上最小的 65W 和 100W 氮化鎵充電器,擁有無可匹敵的能效和功率密度。 這兩款突破性的 GaN 快充參考設計將在位於美國休斯頓舉行的第 37 屆應用電力電子會議 (APEC 2022) 攤位 #1324 上展示。 65W AC-DC 充電器特點: 外殼尺寸僅 30.5 x 35.0 x 46.6mm 高能效設計:在 115Vac 時 >94.5%;在 230Vac 時 >95% 高功率密度設計:22W/in3 100W AC-DC 充電器特點: 外殼尺寸僅 28 x 44 x 66mm 高能效設計:在 115Vac 時 >94.5%;在230Vac時 >94.5% 高功率密度設計:20W/in3 「這些新型氮化鎵充電器真正改變了電源產業的遊戲規則。它們不僅小,還達到超高的能效水準,」Rompower…

GaN Systems Showcases World's Smallest GaN Chargers at APEC

GaN Systems Showcases World’s Smallest GaN Chargers at APEC

GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, and Rompower Energy Systems, an internationally recognized R&D company in power conversion, today announced industry firsts – the world’s smallest 65W and 100W GaN chargers offering the highest efficiency and best power density. These groundbreaking chargers will be displayed in the GaN Systems booth…

GaN 功率半導體成為永續未來的關鍵

可再生能源技術在世界範圍內繼續推進。2020年,全球由可再生能源提供的電力達到近 30%。在過去 10 年間,可再生能源發電的成本也大幅下降。使用 GaN Systems 的氮化鎵功率元件可實現更高效的功率轉換和更高功率密度的電源系統。氮化鎵將是人類邁向永續未來的關鍵。 了解更多 GaN 功率半導體在儲能系統、逆變器等應用的設計資源,請至再生能源頁面。

Reduce range anxiety for electric and autonomous vehicles

GaN enables smaller, more efficient and lower cost power systems. For the automotive industry, this means smaller, lighter batteries, improved charging performance, and greater range for vehicles. Additionally, GaN advances capabilities in the vehicle autonomous and wireless power applications. Today, many leading companies are designing and shipping products with GaN Systems’ transistors proving the value…

How GaN Empowers the Sustainable World

Renewable energy continues to advance worldwide. In 2020, renewable energy provided nearly 30% of the global electricity supply. The cost of electricity from renewable energy sources has also fallen sharply over the last 10 years. Using GaN Systems’ power semiconductors results in power conversion that is more efficient and power systems with higher power density;…

Smaller and more energy efficient power supplies for data centers

GaN power transistors elevate the performance and economic returns of data center and 5G power electronics by reducing size and system costs, increasing power efficiency and reducing operator OPEX and CAPEX costs by 100s of millions of dollars. Access resources to optimize your data center with GaN here.

Elevate the performance of audio and chargers with GaN

GaN power transistors elevate the performance and utility of consumer electronics devices by reducing size and system cost, increasing power efficiency, enabling smaller sleeker designs, and providing new features such as wireless charging and professional level audio quality. Connect with design resources, including simulations and our product portfolio here.

GaN 功率半導體減輕電動車及自駕車里程焦慮

GaN 功率半導體可實現更小、更高效且成本更低的電力系統,對於電動車產業來說,這代表了更小、更輕的電池、更好的充電效率和更長續航里程。GaN 也推進了車輛邁向全自動和無線充電應用的可能性。如今,許多一線車廠及供應商已開始設計和出貨採用 GaN Systems 功率電晶體的產品,驗證了 GaN 功率半導體在不同應用市場中的價值和可靠性,因為更輕、更小、成本更低和更高效的電力系統成為跨行業的共同要求。如果您有興趣進一步了解 GaN Systems 產品、特定應用設計或系統解決方案,我們隨時準備好為您服務,點此了解我們車用領域應用,或與我們聯繫。

GaN 功率半導體:為音響及快充性能開啟新篇章

GaN 功率半導體不僅能降低系統尺寸和成本、提高能源效率、實現更小更時尚的設計,同時更提供無線充電和不失真音質等新功能,為下世代消費電子設備的重新豎立新標竿。了解更多 GaN Systems 在消費電子市場的解決方案,請參考網頁或與我們聯繫。

2022 Power Predictions - Powering The Global Economy

Predictions for 2022: Powering the Global Economy

As 2022 approaches, we see bolder and more proactive action from companies around sustainability and environmental impact – particularly in the way we use power.   Over the past year, our conversations with corporate leaders have continued to confirm GaN Systems’ belief that yesterday’s silicon has reached its limits in solving critical power systems challenges…