GaN Systems Industrial Articles

New levels of resilience, inclusion, and environmental health emerge from today's power revolution

New levels of resilience, inclusion, and environmental health emerge from today’s power revolution

This column by GaN Systems CEO Jim Witham originally appeared at VentureBeat, published on July 8, 2021. We are poised at the beginning of what may well be the most significant revolution in electric power since it was first used to light a few blocks of New York City 150 years ago. Global electricity demand…

PCIM 2021

PCIM Europe 2021: GaN Systems Shows How GaN is Now Mainstream

GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, today announced its participation at PCIM Europe Digital Days,” the world’s leading exhibition and conference for power electronics, taking place May 3–7, 2021. CEO Jim Witham will join other GaN experts in a panel session moderated by Bodo’s Power Systems, “WBG GaN: Serving Low…

PCIM 2021

PCIM Europe 2021: GaN Systems Shows How GaN is Now Mainstream

GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power semiconductors, today announced its participation at PCIM Europe Digital Days,” the world’s leading exhibition and conference for power electronics, taking place May 3–7, 2021. CEO Jim Witham will join other GaN experts in a panel session moderated by Bodo’s Power Systems, “WBG GaN: Serving Low…

GaN Systems Accelerates Momentum With Unprecedented Customer Growth

GaN Systems Accelerates Momentum With Unprecedented Customer Growth

Driving Mainstream Adoption Of GaN Technology to Meet Rapid Growth of Data And Energy Demands in 2021 GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power transistor chips (electronics), today announced accelerated momentum and customer growth signaling mainstream adoption of GaN technology to meet rapid growth of data and energy demands across key industries.…

GaN Systems Accelerates Momentum With Unprecedented Customer Growth

GaN Systems Accelerates Momentum With Unprecedented Customer Growth

Driving Mainstream Adoption Of GaN Technology to Meet Rapid Growth of Data And Energy Demands in 2021 GaN Systems, the global leader in GaN (gallium nitride) power transistor chips (electronics), today announced accelerated momentum and customer growth signaling mainstream adoption of GaN technology to meet rapid growth of data and energy demands across key industries.…

Siemens Makes Breakthrough in Drive Technology with GaN Systems

Siemens Makes Breakthrough in Drive Technology with GaN Systems

We often think of the industrial sector as conservative, especially in the implementation of new technologies. But as we’ve moved into the latest phase of the industrial revolution – Industry 4.0 – which encompasses smart manufacturing and Industrial IoT (IIoT), pioneering technologies like GaN (gallium nitride) power transistors are being embraced. GaN is making waves…

Siemens Makes Breakthrough in Drive Technology with GaN Systems

GaN Systems 助力 Siemens 取得馬達驅動技術突破

在工業應用領域,我們通常認為其在引進新技術方面比較保守。然而,為實現工業 4.0 時代下智慧製造和工業物聯網(IIoT)等願景,創新技術如 GaN功率半導體開始受到重視。GaN 正在機器人、無人機無線充電應用,及工業電源供應器、馬達驅動等領域中嶄露頭角。 西門子(Siemens)在最近的一篇名為『小,但令人驚豔』的文章中提及,GaN 在功率電子領域所扮演的角色,以及西門子如何從使用矽和 SiC,轉向使用 GaN 功率電晶體作為新一代電源轉換器設計中的關鍵零組件。在文中,西門子指出,GaN 功率半導體是馬達驅動技術中從未使用過的材料,「GaN 開啟全新應用機會,為馬達驅動技術帶來重大突破,」西門子技術部 Andreas Gröger 表示。 這些驅動器滿足了客戶對低電壓、小佔地面積和安全要求不斷增長的需求。 GaN Systems 很榮幸能參與西門子採用 GaN 功率半導體進行創新的過程。在 2020 年初,我們宣布西門子在其 Simatic Micro-Drive 產品線中推出了一款採用 GaN Systems 功率電晶體所設計的馬達驅動器,在效率及馬達反應時間上皆有重大突破。受惠於 GaN 功率半導體,這些迷你驅動器目前只有兩公分寬,且無需額外冷卻。 為什麼要使用 GaN? 現代製造業者需要應對新的技術和能源需求,以降低成本、提高收入並增加工廠生產線的能源效益。為了保持不間斷運作,各種機械設備需要更簡單、更可靠和更強大的電動機驅動器,而工控廠商期望透過 GaN技術來滿足上述需求。欲了解更多關於 GaN Systems 在工業領域的應用案例,請至市場應用頁面。

A new way to test GaN reliability

A new way to test GaN reliability

Users need to know if the technology is reliable and does it work as it’s supposed to? By Jim Witham, CEO of GaN Systems Featured recently at Electronics Product & Technology, Jim Witham writes on the differences in testing GaN versus Silicon and a new approach to assessing reliability. Below is a preview of the…

A new way to test GaN reliability

A new way to test GaN reliability

Users need to know if the technology is reliable and does it work as it’s supposed to? By Jim Witham, CEO of GaN Systems Featured recently at Electronics Product & Technology, Jim Witham writes on the differences in testing GaN versus Silicon and a new approach to assessing reliability. Below is a preview of the…

Wireless Charging Drones and Robots

Wireless Charging Drones and Robots

Drones and Robots are used in a growing number of applications and those with wireless power have a big future in a $100B Industry