GaN Systems CEO 分享 GaN 功率半導體如何改變資料中心現況
GaN Systems 全球執行長 Jim Witham 在演講中探討 GaN 功率電晶體的伺服器為伺服器電源帶來的優勢,包括較高的能源效率及功率密度,以及電源縮小後在機架中釋放的空間將提升的運算能力及記憶體空間。GaN 功率半導體能為資料中心每年每10台機架創造額外 3 百美元的獲利,同時省下1.3萬的電費。
GaN Systems 全球執行長 Jim Witham 在演講中探討 GaN 功率電晶體的伺服器為伺服器電源帶來的優勢,包括較高的能源效率及功率密度,以及電源縮小後在機架中釋放的空間將提升的運算能力及記憶體空間。GaN 功率半導體能為資料中心每年每10台機架創造額外 3 百美元的獲利,同時省下1.3萬的電費。
GaN Systems showcased some of the latest power electronics solutions at PCIM Europe 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany. According GaN Systems, power supplies using its GaN transistors have 2x higher power density compared to conventional PSUs and can save up to 20 percent of energy in data centers. This video shows GaN transistors for traditional large-size…
GaN Systems CEO Jim Witham highlights some of the automotive electronics powered by GaN transistors on display at PCIM Europe 2022. Increasingly, OEMs need solutions for both 400v and 800v systems—and those solutions are starting to come out in GaN. Examples include a DC/DC converter from Vitesco Technologies and another from Formula E Racing. In…
GaN Systems CEO Jim Witham compares GaN data center power supplies with older silicon versions. Using GaN, you only save on energy efficiency, you are able to put more power in a smaller space, leaving more room in the data center server racks for compute and memory. For every 10 server racks, you can drive…
在 2022 年 PCIM 德國紐倫堡電力電子展中,GaN Systems 展示最新功率半導體解決方案,包括能幫助資料中心省下 20% 能耗且功率密度提升 2 倍的電源供應器。 以下影片將闡述採用 GaN 功率半導體的電源模組所帶來的優勢,在尺寸、熱性能、甚至是訊號產生等面向,都優於傳統矽功率半導體。
氮化鎵功率半導體全球領導廠商 GaN Systems 全球執行長 Jim Witham 於2022 PCIM 德國紐倫堡電力電子展的演講中強調 GaN 功率元件將為車用電子帶來嶄新機會。GaN 將在 400V 及 800V 的電動車動力系統中扮演重要角色,GaN 所帶來高頻率、高功率密度及整體性能上的優勢,將為全球汽車 OEMs 及供應商帶來創新的解決方案。
This article by GaN Systems CEO Jim Witham was published in its entirety at Forbes.com on May 18, 2022. In the past, the word ‘innovation’ has often meant a fancy building with a lavish buildout for a technology or ‘technology aspirational’ company in a major coastal urban center. With today’s global systems of talent, collaborators,…
This article by GaN Systems CEO Jim Witham was published in its entirety at Forbes.com on May 18, 2022. In the past, the word ‘innovation’ has often meant a fancy building with a lavish buildout for a technology or ‘technology aspirational’ company in a major coastal urban center. With today’s global systems of talent, collaborators,…
This is an excerpt from the Power Electronics World interview with GaN Systems CEO Jim Witham, published February 2, 2022. For Jim Witham, chief executive of Canada-based GaN Systems, one of the biggest success stories of 2021 centred on electric vehicles. As the pandemic gathered momentum and global car sales plummeted, the electric vehicle market…
This is an excerpt from the Power Electronics World interview with GaN Systems CEO Jim Witham, published February 2, 2022. For Jim Witham, chief executive of Canada-based GaN Systems, one of the biggest success stories of 2021 centred on electric vehicles. As the pandemic gathered momentum and global car sales plummeted, the electric vehicle market…